22. Paris (BG/George)
A square in the form of face.
Airplane in the form of a curve.
My beloved! Come with me
To where Paris grows in the winter…
23. In me someone the third (George)
In me someone the third.
Sometimes it seems to me that in me someone the third.
Maybe I'm wrong, in me someone the third.
In me someone the third…
24. ** (instrumental) BG
25. For Ahtaraut (instrumental) BG
A square in the form of face.
Airplane in the form of a curve.
To where Paris grows in the winter…
23. In me someone the third (George)
In me someone the third.
Sometimes it seems to me that in me someone the third.
Maybe I'm wrong, in me someone the third.
In me someone the third…
24. ** (instrumental) BG
25. For Ahtaraut (instrumental) BG